Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

In our current world, sexually transmitted diseases incidence has multiplied in several forms. This is happening because young people in this new age world are very sexually active and addicted. Sexually transmitted infections are usually contracted through sex, oral, and vaginal from an infected person.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmitted diseases that can be conveyed through sexual interaction with an infected person or partner. These diseases can also be called venereal diseases (VD), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). According to some sexual health research, sexually transmitted diseases can also be transmitted during childbirth and breastfeeding.
Sexually transmitted diseases have become a major health challenge for the past 100 years. Due to its contagious nature, the number of people infected with sexually transmitted diseases is increasing day-by-day. The geometric sexual growth has convinced governments of different countries to take great actions, such as great social awareness, promoting safer sex behavior, promoting healthcare-seeking behavior, and others.
There are different types of sexually transmitted diseases and these diseases are the result of different forms of germ infections like bacterial, fungal, viral, etc. There are even STD protozoa and parasites. Although most of these sexually transmitted diseases can be treated and cured if action is taken as early as possible.

Different Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
Many types of diseases can be transmitted sexually. Here are some of the common and deadly sexually transmitted diseases that you need to be careful about.
1. Chlamydia:
This disease is caused by a certain type of bacteria. It is very common and it should be avoided.
2. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) :
This is a serious virus that is easy to transmit from one person to the other through sexual contact or intimate skin-to-skin relationships.
3. Syphilis :
This is also a bacterial infection that comes with unnoticed Symptoms at an early stage.
4. HIV :
This is a very serious disease that usually damages the immune system and increases the risk of bacteria, viruses and even cancer. If it is not treated on time, it can lead to AIDS.
5. Gonorrhea :
This is another sexually transmitted disease also known as the clap.
6. Pubic lice :
This disease is also known as crabs, these bacterial usually affect the hair and body, they feed on human blood.
7. Trichomoniasis :
This is usually caused by a small protozoan organism that can be transmitted through genital contact.

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Other Less Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases Include :
1) Chancroid
2) Lymphogranuloma venereum
3) Inguinal granuloma
4) Molluscum contagious scabies

Common Cause of Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
Bacteria and viruses are the major cause of STDs, as a person you can get affected due to some certain reasons like :
1) Unprotected sex
2) A condom tear during sex
3) Having multiple sexual partners
4) Your sexual partner as multiple sexual partners
5) Having sex with a STIs patient
6) From mother to child during birth or after
7) Viruses, Bacteria, or Protozoa
8) Sharing needles with other people
9) Trading sex for money
10) Already diagnosed with gonorrhea.

Common Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
Sexually transmitted diseases have different effects, although sometimes the symptoms may be unnoticed that why you need to know the common symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases for early treatment. :
1) Scratching and Itching
2) Discharge from the penis
3) Bumps or Ulcers in the rectal, oral area, or on the genitals
4) Fever
5) Sore throat
6) Burning or Painful urination
7) The unusual odor from the organ and Vaginal discharge
8) Menstrual problems
9) Discomfort and pain during sex
10) Ulcers, rashes, or lumps around or on the penis, anus, testicles, thighs, buttocks, or mouth
11) Bleeding from the penis
If not treated on time, it can eventually lead to Death

Best Exercises for Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
1) Kegel Exercises : These exercises are very effective to treat urinary incontinence, they also help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are very helpful to the intense orgasm. These exercises also help men to prevent all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases. But according to some studies, it is revealed that most men don’t do it right.
2) Frog Pose : According to medical research and exercise physiologists, this movement will help you overcome sexually transmitted diseases and also make you more flexible during sex. These exercises are very good for the body, it helps the reproductive system.
3) Plank : It is an ideal way to strengthen the deepest layer of the abdominal muscles (transversus abdominis), as well as the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms to prevent, cure sexual disorder and stabilize your sexual life.
4) Cardio : Exercising can increase pleasure for you and your partner and also help you prevent sexually transmitted diseases. These exercises help to increase blood flow, even to the lower extremities which can eliminate the chance of sexually transmitted diseases.

Effective Diet for Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread easily through sexual contact, this is why you need to know some diet that can help to reduce the risk and help to treat it.
Here are some helpful diets that have been used to fight against these sexually transmitted diseases :
1) Raw Honey : Honey has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. It contains strong antibacterial properties due to the low pH, hydrogen peroxide, methylglyoxal, and the peptide defensin bees. This makes it a very good remedy for antibiotic-resistant infections and bacteria.
2) Cabbage : This diet contains a strong ability to fight bacteria. Cabbage juice is traditionally used as a protective agent against radiation exposure, cancer inhibitor, and mainly it contains antibacterial properties. For this reason, cabbage is effective for detoxifying the bladder, liver, and colon.
3) Cranberry Juice : This diet is also effective for killing bacteria and helps to relieve irritation and sexual pains caused by sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to fresh cranberry juice, you can also take cranberry supplements with it for effective treatment. Berries, especially blueberries, also help prevent urinary tract infections.
4) Vitamin C Foods : This diet is very helpful for boosting and strengthening the immune system. Foods like leafy vegetables are disease-fighting food because they contain a lot of vitamins, antioxidants, iron, and minerals.
5) Iron : Chicken, shellfish, turkey, beans, broccoli, etc. are an example of foods rich in iron that help in treating viral infections and bacterial. They also help to carry oxygen in the body to the cells.
6) Vitamin D : This diet helps in fighting against sexually transmitted diseases. Foods like tuna, sardines, and salmon contain a high amount of vitamin D.
7) Vitamin E : Just like vitamin C, Foods like almonds, hazelnuts, spinach, and broccoli contain strong Vitamin E to fight against STD.
8) Whole Grains : This diet is effective for boosting the immune system. In addition to their nutritional components, they are helpful in eliminating the risk of STD. Whole wheat, bread, barley, and grains can be taken because they contain whole grains.

Best Yoga Poses for Successful Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
According to Rasyog Ayurveda doctor, using Ayurveda herbal medicine and yoga are very effective for treating sexually transmitted diseases. Yoga works in a great way of strengthening the body's central immune system. In this way, man becomes stronger and more eager to fight pathogens. These yoga asanas also help to boost body immunity to fight against sexually transmitted diseases for your body to acquires the power of self-healing. Practicing yoga regularly and meditation offers a positive effect on patients suffering from sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
1) Siddhasana : This pose has been revealed as one of the most successful treatments for sexually transmitted diseases. It is revealed in the book of Hatha yoga Pradipika that practicing Siddhasana helps to purify all energy channels or energy passages in the body and is very useful in preventing all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases.
2) Pavanamuktasana : This pose is also known as the wind relieving pose. This yoga pose helps to prevent STD, relieves stomach gas, heartburn, and stimulates bowel motility. This pose also mobilizes the body system to fight against any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
3) Ardha Matsyendrasana : This is an effective yoga pose used to treat and overcome sexual disorders and sexually transmitted diseases. This yoga posture is also used to improve blood circulation in the body for better functioning of the organs such as the pancreas, liver, spleen, and pelvic area.
4) Garduasana : Also known as the “eagle pose”. This pose is imposed to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, making it very easy to treat sexually transmitted diseases. Garduasana is a standing pose that requires great balance while performing this pose.

Effective Home Remedies for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases :
1) Apple Cider Vinegar : This is one of the best natural remedies against STD because it contains strong antibacterial properties. This natural remedy can be applied topically or taken orally as a solution.
2) Coconut Oil : This natural remedy is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral besides it is also good for sensitive skin. It also contains chain fatty acid known as lauric acid which gives coconut antibacterial properties. Natural coconut oil is very helpful to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
3) Aloe Vera : The great effect of aloe Vera gel has been benefiting people with sexually transmitted diseases. This powerful remedy helps to hydrate the skin and is an effective cure for treating sexually transmitted diseases. It also comes with great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.
4) Garlic : This remedy is a natural healing property with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It also comes with a chemical compound called allicin that kills germs and inhibits growth. To achieve a fast result, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 bulbs of raw garlic a day.
5) Ginger : Ginger is also an effective remedy for STD, it comes with a great ability to kill oral pathogens and inhibit growth. It is revealed that ginger extract was found to be potentially superior. Ginger has also been shown to have great antibacterial effects on periodontal and respiratory infections.

Ayurveda Treatment Offer Hope for People with Sexual Transmitted Diseases :
In the olden days, when there was no sexual protection like condoms, Ayurveda herbal medicine has been used as the best treatment for preventing and fighting sexually transmitted diseases and disorders. The good news for everyone is that Ayurveda is very alive and active just like before.
Rasyog Ayurveda doctor, Dr. Amol Bamane have great wisdom and knowledge about the Ayurveda formation and in the process of introducing Ayurvedic treatments in Indian, Rasyog offers both online and offline consultation. Ayurveda treatment method includes changing eating habits and lifestyles, yoga (breathing techniques), exercise, Ayurveda medicine. Ayurveda treatments have been found very easy to control and cure sexually transmitted diseases.
Ayurveda has gained its popularity in modern times due to its positive healing methods for a healthier future. Ayurveda has also become the best choice for people with sexually transmitted diseases due to its zero side effects that usually happens when using chemical medicine.
Everyone needs a perfect solution to their problems, if you are one of those people suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, it is advisable to consult Rasyog Ayurveda doctor, Dr. Amol Bamane for better information and treatment for your sexual problem.

Ayurveda Effective Herbal Medicine :
1) Navkarshik Churna : This herbal formulation contains high antibacterial, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps relieve pain.
2) Shuddh Gandhak : This herbal formulation also contains antibacterial and anti-infective properties. It also helps the female reproductive system.
3) Neem Capsules : This herbal formulation is a useful supplement for maintaining health by fighting sexually transmitted diseases.
4) Curcumin Capsules : This is also a great formulation from the Ayurveda and is very helpful in solving sexually transmitted diseases.

Here Are Some Certain You Need to Do In Sexual Transmitted Diseases :
1) Consult the Rasyog Ayurveda doctor to diagnose you.
2) Always follow the doctor's instructions for better treatment.
3) Always wash your self before and after sex.

Here Are Some Certain You Need to Avoid In Sexual Transmitted Diseases :
1) Avoid unprotected sex
2) Avoid changing of sexual partners
3) Avoid prostitutes
4) Avoid sharing underwear and towels with people.
5) Avoid the abuse of drugs or alcohol, because drunk or drugged often fail to have safe sex.
6) Avoid using common body piercings, non-sterile medication needles, or tattoos.

Here Are Healthy Food You Can Consume To Boost Your Treatment in STD :
1) Consume foods from five of these food groups: protein, vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy products.
2) Eat the right amount of food to maintain a healthy weight.
3) Choose foods low in saturated fat, sodium (salt), and added sugar.

Here Are Some Foods to Avoid To Boost Your Treatment in STD :
1) Avoid taking raw eggs or foods such as homemade cake batter.
2) Avoid raw or undercooked meat, seafood, and chicken.
3) Avoid dairy products, unpasteurized milk, and fruit juices.

Dr. Amol Bamane

Dr. Amol Bamane (MD, Ayurveda) founder of Rasyog Ayurveda. He is published so many articles on health topic like Yoga, Meditation, Home remedies, Ayurveda diet, Virudha aahar and Recipes. You can consult Dr. Amol Bamane by through book an appointment on rasyog ayurveda website.

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